Online Tools
Are you ready for university calculus?
This self-scored test is designed by the Department of Mathematics of the University of Manitoba for you to assess your readiness for the introductory calculus courses 1500, 1510, 1520, 1680 and 1690. If you intend to register in any of these courses, you should take this test and score it yourself using the answer key on the last page.
Add-Subtract Negatives
If you have trouble with addition and subtraction of negative numbers, this exercise sheet will help you improve yourself. The answer key is on the last page.
Simplifying Fractions
Many people have a very hard time with fractions. If you're one of them, please use this problem sheet to practice reducing fractions. The answer key is on the last page.
Trigonometric Identities
A list of most frequently used trigonometric identities.
Trigonometric Equations Formulae
A cheat-sheet containing formulae for the simplest most common trigonometric equations.
Statistics Formulae
A formula sheet containing all (or most) formulae required for STAT 1000.